

  1. >Go for a nap intending to wake up at 3 >Wake up at 5 and miss someone who goes online at 3 >[/grapesedoffpony.png]

    Monday, 16-May-11 14:53:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @droplet Who comes on at 3?

      Monday, 16-May-11 14:54:54 UTC from web
      1. @zarkanorf My friend from Hong Kong. I've been chatting for her nearly every day for the past year and something. xD

        Monday, 16-May-11 15:01:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @droplet Oh man, I used to have a friend like that, too. BLUH, I should talk to him one of these days...

          Monday, 16-May-11 15:01:56 UTC from web
    2. @droplet I know that feel ! happens all the time. Stupid timezones.

      Monday, 16-May-11 14:55:46 UTC from web