

  1. Yo, mah Paint Tool SAI Trial just Ran out. :( Does anypony know where i can get the full thing or another program i can use?

    Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:02:52 UTC from web
    1. @misterthebrony How about something like gimp?

      Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:03:38 UTC from web
      1. @valiantratchet GIMP FTW!

        Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:04:23 UTC from web
      2. @valiantratchet anything will work, as long as it is easy to use.

        Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:04:51 UTC from web
        1. @misterthebrony Gimp is like photoshop with just afew less features its free last time I checked

          Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:05:55 UTC from web
          1. Thanks @valiantratchet Ill get Gimp. @mushi Thanks too! I'll message him and try and get it back.

            Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:08:06 UTC from web
    2. @misterthebrony Google a crack

      Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:04:19 UTC from web
    3. @misterthebrony nah, i got miine from megaupload. I think @purplephish20 know where you can find

      Friday, 13-Apr-12 01:05:57 UTC from web