

  1. @rainbowdashsboyfriend It's a funny story actually. My friends from next-state-over got into MLP, and they changed their names to MLP characters. I kept making fun of them, for nearly months even, and then they came out to visit in person. One of them had not seen Arrested Development, and I demanded we watch it...but he didn't want to unless I watched MLP with them. So we cut a deal - 3 episodes of Arrested Development, then 1 MLP episode. It was sugary-sweet overload the first few episodes...then I realized it wasn't so bad...then I started liking it by the time we got to the Sonic Rainboom. Twas an interesting experience.

    Friday, 13-Apr-12 04:26:42 UTC from web
    1. @nazerath thx for your story! Sub to me if you want more posts like sharing your story.

      Friday, 13-Apr-12 04:29:35 UTC from web