

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @aeniug2 night! that's a good lokking Fluttershy you got there.

      Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:18:38 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels ....fluttershy? where?

        Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:19:34 UTC from web
        1. @aeniug2 the pic you drew. it's that or the nearest tree near you.

          Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:20:14 UTC from web
          1. @lyokotravels oh.... woooooooooooooooooow im dumb.

            Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:21:23 UTC from web
            1. @aeniug2 yah...................................

              Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:22:56 UTC from web
              1. @lyokotravels well... its 1:20 something AM here and apparently I'm too tired to understand perfectly sound fluttershy jokes, which means that I am either dreaming, about to pass out, or that I should go to bed....

                Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:24:35 UTC from web
                1. @aeniug2 alright just go to bread and don't collect the toaster , Goodnight!

                  Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:27:30 UTC from web
                  1. @lyokotravels but the toaster is so shiny...

                    Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:28:54 UTC from web
                    1. @aeniug2 and your bed is also shiny ( if your bed has metal of any kind )

                      Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:29:51 UTC from web
    2. @aeniug2 does it has nails ? brackets to hold it? if it has those it's a little shiny

      Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:31:25 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels I suppose... @renovatedkitchen lol

        Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:33:20 UTC from web
        1. @aeniug2 yah

          Friday, 13-Apr-12 06:35:20 UTC from web