

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @aeniug2 go kart randomly flying off a high skyscraper ?

      Saturday, 14-Apr-12 03:56:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @lyokotravels it shall be done.

        Saturday, 14-Apr-12 03:56:56 UTC from web
    2. @aeniug2 draw celestia and luna laying down together (realistically not on their backs or crap like that) in front of a lake and the full moon at night, with the moon shimmering/reflecting ever so gracefully on the surface

      Saturday, 14-Apr-12 03:56:27 UTC from web
    3. @aeniug2 and one can be resting their head on the other, but not in a shipping kind of way, more like in a hey sisters forever kind of way

      Saturday, 14-Apr-12 03:57:45 UTC from web