

  1. Hey peeps, new to Calgary, moved here a month ago from Toronto. Nice city here. Anyhow, been a MLP fan for a few years now. Been watching FiM before it was cool *hipster* no I'm kidding, it was never not cool. Anyhow just saying sup to you find bronies.

    Saturday, 14-Apr-12 06:55:15 UTC from web
    1. @timbit88 "...left Toronto..." Noooo, you left us?

      Saturday, 14-Apr-12 06:56:12 UTC from web
    2. @timbit88 Greetings newpny! welcome to RDN, its currently 2:56 here in the nations capital and I am tired! enjoy your stay!

      Saturday, 14-Apr-12 06:57:25 UTC from web