

  1. I've realized that it's next to impossible to make me cry. I mean, it seems like depression is my normal, regular emotion underneath my mellow expressions, but as for actually crying... I haven't done so in a long, long time. I just get more depressed, I guess. Anyone else like that?

    Tuesday, 17-May-11 04:49:56 UTC from web
    1. @ickus I'm usually like that. There's been a couple of fanfics that have made me bawl my eyes out though.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 04:52:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @bigponymac You see, I've never bawled before, not once, not that I remember. I'd think it'd be much too easy for someone like me, but it just seems so... Hard to. I must admit, there are times that I question if there is something wrong with me.

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 04:54:57 UTC from web
    2. @ickus I used to be the same exact way. Then one day I was watching TTGL, Kamina died, and there was tearing up. I followed that by starting the Doctor Who series which didn't help. Now fictional event/characters make me watery-eyed so easily but I can laugh and make fun of anything and everything that happens out in the real world.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 04:52:25 UTC from web
    3. @ickus I also used to be like that. i just didnt cry at all. then wierdly, I shed a tear or two after reading "bubbles" (the fanfic). Wierd how only ponies can make me cry... # PONIESTHEYDRIVEMETOTEARS

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 04:55:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @calvindapanda Interesting, I must read this fanfic.

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 04:57:39 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony We had a teacup puppy die on us once, I forgot what breed. It was horrible - didn't cry though, I think.

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:02:46 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony Whoa... And true, it is. I'm sure I'll cry sometime, just give me time...

      Tuesday, 17-May-11 05:07:51 UTC from web