


    Sunday, 15-Apr-12 19:57:08 UTC from web
    1. @twispark No. Not even close. Also, I feel so nerdy for understanding that image 100%. xD

      Sunday, 15-Apr-12 19:58:16 UTC from web
      1. @minti I love that image, I think it enphasized how nerdy I am repeatedly, at college when I found and lol'd hard, people came over (in my Software Development class!!) and didn't get it, think the lecturer did; also when I sent it to people in uni doing ICT and also needing it explain, feels gurd :D

        Sunday, 15-Apr-12 20:00:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @twispark lolol. Yeah normally people have no need for knowledge about call stacks and such, except in the case of debugging/stack traces. xD

          Sunday, 15-Apr-12 20:01:49 UTC from web
      2. @minti I love that image, I think it enphasized how nerdy I am repeatedly, at college when I found and lol'd hard, people came over (in my Software Development class!!) and didn't get it, think the lecturer did; also when I sent it to people in uni doing ICT and also needing it explain, feels gurd :D

        Sunday, 15-Apr-12 20:00:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop