

  1. maybe in the 3DS version? i hope so.

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 04:58:05 UTC from web
    1. @lunafanswweet I'd buy the 3DS version, if only I was planning on buying a 3DS >:

      Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:00:04 UTC from web
    2. @lunafanswweet I kinda hope it's just bonus areas. I don't want the 3DS to lose the original feeling of the game, but saving Toroko works too.

      Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:01:57 UTC from web
      1. @peppers will making the game polygonal lose the feel? it looks alright... but i won't know until i play the game.

        Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:05:43 UTC from web
        1. @lunafanswweet I'm not talking about making it 3D, but I do hope that making it polygons won't make it lose the awesomeness.

          Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:09:30 UTC from web
          1. @peppers i hope so too... i don't want to call pixel a sell out.

            Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:12:13 UTC from web