

  1. I ran Linux for ten years, too. Linux geeks are paranoid for the sheer fun of it. XD

    Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 20:29:53 UTC from web
    1. @psykozohedron If we're having a paranoia competition, I'm a guy who refuses to carry his hard disk over international borders, despite it being full-disk encrypted AND entirely benign.

      Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 20:31:03 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark

        Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 20:34:21 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark Who didn't see that newspost on the furry communities, after all?

        Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 20:34:52 UTC from web
        1. @psykozohedron I'm just not OK with sharing my music and terrible fanfic collection with the TSA.

          Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 20:36:25 UTC from web
      3. @ceruleanspark I'm fairly non-paranoid. Only thing I keep encrypted is one truecrypt container of ~20GB, and that's only because I don't want people going in there unless they're explicitly looking for it. Anything and everything else on my machine is open to anyone who circumvents the password check (and there's no end of ways to do that).

        Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 20:35:01 UTC from IdentiCurse