

  1. So, anypony here know anything about Green Lantern? I need a brainstorming partner

    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:17:05 UTC from web
    1. @tenmihara What do you need?

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:17:35 UTC from web
      1. @colfax Haven't seen a satisfactory GL crossover yet, so I'm gonna write one.

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:19:02 UTC from web
        1. @tenmihara Okay... doesn't answer my question though.

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:21:35 UTC from web
          1. @colfax Somepony to brainstorm with to lay the foundation for the story. Thus far I've decided that Equestria is going to be a planet in Space Sector 1894 (have yet to see a GL with that number), as opposed to a stand in for earth

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:23:07 UTC from web
          2. @colfax What I need primarily is to decide when to set it relative to the GL continuity and an antagonist. I've decided on the protagonist as well.

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:34:59 UTC from web
            1. @tenmihara Send me a link when you finish it. It sounds interesting. Sadly, I don't know much about GL.

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:36:18 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Haven't even started it yet lol. Trying to fit it into the Geoff Johns GL continuity, not the lousy live action film.

                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:37:36 UTC from web
                1. @tenmihara I didn't even tought about the live action xD

                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:38:34 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos It sucked. Nuff said =P

                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:40:39 UTC from web
                    1. @tenmihara When a movie is an adaptation of some already written big story, I just watch them pretending they have nothing to do with the original. That way I avoid the whole "This thing sucks, that doesn't makes sense and it lacks X, Y and Z."

                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:44:25 UTC from web
            2. @tenmihara I'm not up on the current GL continuity beyond what I pick up online, which isn't much to be honest.

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:36:58 UTC from web
              1. @colfax I'm definitely setting it before Blackest Night. Possibly during the events of Rebirth.

                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:39:06 UTC from web
                1. @tenmihara Take it all the way back to Zero Hour.

                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:41:50 UTC from web
                  1. @colfax I think that might be before my time. I'm mainly familiar with the work of Geoff Johns.

                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:42:44 UTC from web
                    1. @tenmihara Basically, Jordan went batkiwi insane and remade the universe.

                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:44:30 UTC from web
                      1. @colfax Ah. Yes, that's before my time. The earliest GL I'm properly familiar with is Rebirth. Which works for me because I like the idea of having the rest of the emotional spectrum available to use.

                        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:46:12 UTC from web
                        1. @tenmihara It's also where Parallax came from.

                          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:47:52 UTC from web
            3. @tenmihara If possible, give the antagonist access to a power ring (doesn't have to be a green one; in fact it probably wouldn't be) too. :)

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:37:38 UTC from IdentiCurse
    2. @tenmihara he is green, and has a lantern that is also green, that he recharges from.

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:18:06 UTC from web
    3. @tenmihara I know that he was stymied by the colour yellow, but isn't now (and _most_ of the reason why: TL;DR Parallax). Not much beyond that, though, so I'm probably not of that much use.

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:20:02 UTC from IdentiCurse
    4. @thatonepony Yes, what about him? I love Hal Jordan =P I don't like crappy Hollywood adaptations

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:42:09 UTC from web
    5. @thatonepony No, although he does temporarily become Parallax again during Blackest Night

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:45:23 UTC from web
    6. @thatonepony During Rebirth I believe. Gotta reread it

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:50:35 UTC from web