

  1. !bcbronies All right, I will clarify some things. The chances of me going to the Fan Expo on Sat for me is has dwindled to almost nothing. I would need luck to make it happen so I can't help you there. The parkade I speak of his on the side of the library. You can park there but of course expect ridiculous prices that van loves. So anyway, I will be hanging outside the library from 2:30 - 3:30 standing around most likely on my phone. At Three, I will open the doors and let people in and head back out to help people get to the room. I will be wearing a bright orange hoody with the Purple "Dumb Fabric" so look around. After 3:30 I will head in and people are on thier own unless the "VIP's" have stated there are coming in after this time.

    Thursday, 19-Apr-12 06:15:17 UTC from web