

  1. A new kind of special brownie that is 100% legal

    Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:06:14 UTC from web
    1. @roygbiv cosmic Brownies

      Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:07:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @roygbiv They used to sell these in my school cafeteria for like $4.00 each. I think they're trying to ban them.

      Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:10:08 UTC from web
      1. @basil Yeah, they are in some places. Likely use the same lies they did in WA state for the temporary Four Loko ban.

        Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:11:57 UTC from web
    3. @roygbiv what's up brony

      Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:10:55 UTC from web
      1. @theawesomepony Nothing much, just doing my morning news sharing...

        Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:12:16 UTC from web
        1. @roygbiv oh ok cool brony im at school and i uploaded my new video earlier this moring on my ps3 please check it oui if u get the chance

          Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:14:48 UTC from web
        2. @roygbiv i could see that what else are ya up too

          Wednesday, 18-May-11 18:34:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @theawesomepony Just killing time! :)

            Wednesday, 18-May-11 19:29:54 UTC from web
            1. @roygbiv same here that was a delayed response anyways what time is it for ya

              Wednesday, 18-May-11 19:40:46 UTC from StatusNet iPhone