

  1. Just checking in... Going to eat some cereal now!

    Thursday, 19-May-11 00:01:56 UTC from web
    1. @celestiaforequestria enjoy your cereal

      Thursday, 19-May-11 00:03:22 UTC from web
    2. @celestiaforequestria Cereal is the food of the gods.

      Thursday, 19-May-11 00:36:52 UTC from web
      1. @gear Life giving cereal! Nectar of the gods!

        Thursday, 19-May-11 00:38:23 UTC from web
        1. @rainclop Yeesssss. There needs to be a cereal group on RDN.

          Thursday, 19-May-11 00:42:01 UTC from web
          1. @gear I'm actually not much of a cereal guy. I don't drink milk.

            Thursday, 19-May-11 00:42:36 UTC from web
            1. @rainclop At least you don't eat it with apple juice. >_>

              Thursday, 19-May-11 00:43:58 UTC from web
              1. @gear I like chocolate cereal. Like Reeses Puffs.

                Thursday, 19-May-11 00:44:35 UTC from web
            2. @rainclop Ya don't need milk to eat cereal. I personally eat it right out of the box.

              Thursday, 19-May-11 00:48:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @gear i thought that was Ambrosa

        Thursday, 19-May-11 00:43:50 UTC from web