

  1. So far i got FOUR questions for #: Questions for tara Strong: 1) By: Tech_Disk42 Of RDN; If you were NOT a voice actor for MLP, would you be a brony or pegasister? 2) By: Michael, U.S.A., Texas, of RDN; How is it being Twilight Sparkle? 3) By: John H, Virginia, USA. of RDN; what Is the most challenging parts of playing a role/character, and if there's a particular line that you remember, you had to do several re-takes? 4) By: Eric Murad FACEBOOK; Do you think, that season 2 of MLP would have been different, if bronies did NOT exist? THERE'S STILL ROOM FOR FIVE MORE QUESTIONS, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR QUESTION WITH YOUR NAME, COUNTRY AND STATE YOU LIVE IN

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