

  1. @mushi i did bonus dungeon after playing jude story and i just try to get more of those titles cause you need them for the grade shop

    Monday, 25-Nov-13 23:53:37 UTC from web
    1. @chaosmagic what the hell? did you beat the game already? how long was it?

      Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 00:00:53 UTC from web
      1. @mushi 10000 metres long hahaha lol jk I can't really say cause I havent done anything yet and sometimes i left the game running without playing xD Currently im trying to defeat enough rare monsters.

        Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 15:45:03 UTC from web
        1. @chaosmagic well, i just flew on the wyverns, got attacked and fell in sharilton. do i still have much game left?

          Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 16:48:22 UTC from web
          1. @mushi there still should be quite some stuff after that

            Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 20:53:08 UTC from web
            1. @chaosmagic great!, but i think i'm gonna beat ToS before i keep playing, i just made the pact with origin eralier today :3

              Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 20:55:55 UTC from web
              1. @mushi i will play symphonia again once the 1-2 in hd comes out

                Sunday, 01-Dec-13 02:37:43 UTC from web