

  1. Help me, I'm watching big bad beetleborgs...

    Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:24:53 UTC from web
    1. @dfox That's only the best show ever made. P.S. - Flabber.

      Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:30:21 UTC from web
      1. @clayinthecarpet Do you remember it from the first run? Or the reaired one's?

        Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:35:23 UTC from web
        1. @dfox I honestly haven't seen it in at least ten years...maybe twenty years. That was a LONG TIME ago...But I remember it being awesome. It probably doesn't stand up as well as, say, Beakman's World, though.

          Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:37:35 UTC from web
          1. @clayinthecarpet I never liked beakman's world

            Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:39:03 UTC from web
            1. @dfox WHAT. Beakman's World was the dole!

              Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:41:02 UTC from web
          2. @clayinthecarpet Also beetelborgs is on netflix

            Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:39:28 UTC from web
            1. @dfox And I don't have Netflix, so meh

              Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:41:26 UTC from web
              1. @clayinthecarpet Well transformers beast war's was the best "Just saying"

                Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:42:10 UTC from web
                1. @dfox It would seem that we have vastly different opinions on things.

                  Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:42:57 UTC from web
                  1. @clayinthecarpet Ohh Do tell

                    Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:43:50 UTC from web
                    1. @dfox ?...'Nothing to tell. I just disagree with your last statement. Then again, you seem a bit older than me, so that could be a factor.

                      Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:44:41 UTC from web
                      1. @clayinthecarpet It would seem I'm the oldest on the board....

                        Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:47:44 UTC from web
                      2. @clayinthecarpet But I did enjoy transformers Prime

                        Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:48:10 UTC from web
                        1. @dfox I just never got into it. 'Simple as that. No interest at all. It bored me.

                          Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:48:44 UTC from web
                          1. @clayinthecarpet Bin a hardcore fan sense gen one.. Ok now I'm showing my age...

                            Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:49:44 UTC from web
                            1. @dfox I never got the whole Transformers thing because it was far before my time. I was born in '86 and it just really wasn't a big deal to me at that time because of Batman '89, TMNT, and other huge things.

                              Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:52:47 UTC from web
                              1. @clayinthecarpet I have the three turtle movies on VHS... And the batman movie? Or the cartoon?

                                Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:55:01 UTC from web
                                1. @dfox Batman '89, man. THE Batman '89. There's only one. And also, kiwi the third TMNT live-action film. That stuff was awful.

                                  Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:55:47 UTC from web
                                  1. @clayinthecarpet The Michael Keaton badman. Have that and batman returns on VHS as well.

                                    Thursday, 28-Nov-13 03:59:49 UTC from web
                                    1. @dfox Batman '89 is so kiwiing awesome, I can't begin to describe to you my love for it.

                                      Thursday, 28-Nov-13 04:02:51 UTC from web
                                      1. @clayinthecarpet Keaton Did play a damn good role.

                                        Thursday, 28-Nov-13 04:04:59 UTC from web
                                        1. @dfox Best up until Bale, and even I thought Bale wasn't nearly as good as Keaton.

                                          Thursday, 28-Nov-13 04:05:37 UTC from web