

  1. If I have to stay in my house another day because of this damned ice I think I might set myself on fire.

    Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:21:25 UTC from web
    1. @moonprincess That's a bit extreme.

      Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:22:58 UTC from web

        Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:23:33 UTC from web
        1. @moonprincess I would love to not have to leave my house for 5 days.

          Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:24:15 UTC from web
          1. @flamingpandaomg If it was by choice, it'd be different.

            Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:25:00 UTC from web
            1. @moonprincess I would love to be forced to stay in my house for five days.

              Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:26:11 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg wHY I AM BEING SUFFOCATED BY MY HOME

                Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:26:42 UTC from web
                1. @moonprincess I volunteer to be suffocated by your household.

                  Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:30:00 UTC from web
        2. @moonprincess Play poker.

          Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:27:09 UTC from web
          1. @jamster i dunno how tho

            Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:30:45 UTC from web
            1. @moonprincess Oh then don't, You will lose your life savings.

              Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:31:47 UTC from web
              1. @jamster I've got nothing to lose!

                Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:32:42 UTC from web
                1. @moonprincess I really recommend you don't unless it's somthing like this.

                  Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:34:12 UTC from web
                  1. @jamster I was joking. I'm not interested in poker.

                    Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:35:24 UTC from web
                  2. @jamster @moonprincess

                    Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:35:40 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I love this game.

                      Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:37:01 UTC from web
    2. @moonprincess Can't go outside ultra-covered on scarves?

      Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:26:18 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Well, I can go outside, but I can't get anywhere.

        Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:28:13 UTC from web
        1. @moonprincess Oh. Is it common for ice to be like that, or it's just a once a year/decade thing?

          Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:29:11 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Well, if some kind of weather comes through Texas, it's either all or nothing. So the sky gods decided to dump a grape load of ice that keeps melting and freezing over.

            Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:30:28 UTC from web
            1. @moonprincess Texas? That makes more sense. I'd spend all day building a sled, but then again I don't know how much you enjoy building things.

              Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 17:33:11 UTC from web