

  1. @chaosmagic look at it! The next tales will be tales of zestiria, and it /will/ be in ameria and europe. lets have a party!

    Thursday, 12-Dec-13 16:21:59 UTC from web
    1. @mushi for which console?

      Thursday, 12-Dec-13 20:14:46 UTC from web
      1. @chaosmagic ps3, as the ussuall, but it seems it will be only in 2015 since it is the 20th aniversary of the series

        Thursday, 12-Dec-13 22:23:54 UTC from web
        1. @mushi another aniversary title O:

          Friday, 13-Dec-13 16:55:34 UTC from web
          1. @chaosmagic yeah! The 10 year ad the 15 years ones were great, this one will probably be cool too!

            Friday, 13-Dec-13 18:24:57 UTC from web
            1. @mushi you said it will come 2015 so are you sure it wilol be ps3 not probably ps4?

              Saturday, 14-Dec-13 00:24:48 UTC from web
              1. @chaosmagic the site says "for ps3" and Baba himself said he doesnt want to make tales games for the next gen for a while, and this will be the first mothership title since he said that.

                Saturday, 14-Dec-13 00:26:58 UTC from web
                1. @mushi thanks baba

                  Saturday, 14-Dec-13 00:33:51 UTC from web
                  1. @chaosmagic all hail baba

                    Saturday, 14-Dec-13 00:44:36 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi I still look also forward to xillia 2 and im wondering if there will be more chars playable in xillia 2 and if you know which will be playable besides the ones we can already play in xillia dont tell me

                      Saturday, 14-Dec-13 01:24:31 UTC from web
                      1. @chaosmagic heh, don tworry, i know nearly nothign about xillia 2

                        Saturday, 14-Dec-13 15:36:20 UTC from web
                        1. @mushi Same here besides that all the chars in xillia will be there. Atleast the ones you play, Can't say about the enemies but I think some of them will play a role in xillia 2. Funfact: in tales of you can't trust the cool guys XD

                          Saturday, 14-Dec-13 21:07:51 UTC from web
                          1. @chaosmagic yeah, i took a spoiler about characters that appear in the next game. and yes, you can never trust the cool guys, and the bad guys are ususally good duys too

                            Saturday, 14-Dec-13 21:13:16 UTC from web
                            1. @mushi i just say kratos and alvin. Funny that alvin has a kratos costume dlc XD

                              Sunday, 15-Dec-13 23:43:44 UTC from web
                              1. @chaosmagic yeah, bad thing they didnt do krastos' normal clothes, i'd buy the DLC if they had done

                                Sunday, 15-Dec-13 23:45:33 UTC from web
                                1. @mushi I like both costumes that kratos has and the white costume fits alvin better xD

                                  Sunday, 15-Dec-13 23:49:14 UTC from web
                                  1. @chaosmagic i want to buy Farah's costume for Leia, she will look cute

                                    Sunday, 15-Dec-13 23:50:45 UTC from web
                                    1. @mushi i seen videos of that and it looks good and I also would like the dlcs so i can haved different battle music. Do you know the battle music is different depending on if you choose jude or milla?

                                      Monday, 16-Dec-13 22:09:09 UTC from web
                                      1. @chaosmagic well, yes, they change the battle theme if you buy the clasical costumes, but i don tknow if t is different wheter you play with Milla or Jude

                                        Monday, 16-Dec-13 22:31:51 UTC from web
                                        1. @mushi I'm sure it is different with jude than milla. Look on youtube for jude battle theme and milla

                                          Tuesday, 17-Dec-13 00:27:30 UTC from web
                                          1. @chaosmagic well, Milla's theme is pretty cool, but i have not heard that since i got her the Daos's costume

                                            Tuesday, 17-Dec-13 00:34:56 UTC from web
                                            1. @mushi You can hear both at the coliseum anyway

                                              Tuesday, 17-Dec-13 01:31:14 UTC from web