

  1. @chaosmagic, wow, my level is high enough to kill pretty much any monster withou problem, but Muzét killes me in one combo D=

    Sunday, 15-Dec-13 19:46:38 UTC from web
    1. @mushi i know right D: I have pretty much no problems anymore beating the advanced group thing in the coliseum

      Sunday, 15-Dec-13 23:44:42 UTC from web
      1. @chaosmagic i havent been in the coliseum in a long time, i think i will go there again once those crazy stuff are over

        Sunday, 15-Dec-13 23:49:38 UTC from web
        1. @mushi I have to do the advanced single ones with all chars and I think after that there will be another thing

          Monday, 16-Dec-13 22:08:07 UTC from web