

  1. you know, after all this time I thought this site would come up with a way to track people with out having all of their updates cluttering my feed :\ #

    Saturday, 12-May-12 21:01:30 UTC from web
    1. @1pony4all Subscribe to them? Or unscubscribe from the ones you don't want to track? Not quite sure what you're trying to say >_>

      Saturday, 12-May-12 21:03:58 UTC from web
      1. @communistprime I mean a way to subscribe to people, but not see all of their conversations with other people. Or a way to subscribe, but not see any of their posts, but still have them in a list of people you are friends with. I'm just really bad at remembering screen names.

        Saturday, 12-May-12 21:05:29 UTC from web
        1. @1pony4all Oh. You could just have a document saved with the names you like, or just add them on some external client.

          Saturday, 12-May-12 21:07:21 UTC from web
          1. @communistprime an external client would be nice, sadly I am bad a twitter-type things. I'm working up a way though.

            Saturday, 12-May-12 21:09:01 UTC from web
            1. @1pony4all I meant like, AIM or MSN or something if you want to be friends and keep chatting. That way you could remove them from your subscriptions and then have those who you want to track, but not add as a friend in the previously stated manner.

              Saturday, 12-May-12 21:11:03 UTC from web