

  1. Can someone explain to me why people don't like In Silico? I think it's better than Immersion.

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:40:17 UTC from web
    1. @fortecadenza on an everyday basis I prefer immersion, but silico is one for when I need something fresh and amazing. Like a pallet cleanser from going on a binge of a certain genre. I prefer hold your color overall, because they went all out on the drum and bass, but I really love the tempest, so I love them all I guess haha.

      Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:45:44 UTC from web
      1. @noirbatch The main reason why I don't like Immersion and Hold Your Colour as much is because they have skippable songs, but with In Silico, you just play Showdown and hit Repeat All, and you're done. Everything on In Silico is worth listening to.

        Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:50:46 UTC from web
        1. @fortecadenza yeah it is an amazing album, but the only skippable song for me out of all of pendulum's discography is the "self vs self" like it's okay if I'm in the right mood, but I've been a fanboy of them since '05, and I wish I could have seen them in concert. I will agree in silico is the better album, but I prefer hold your color.

          Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:57:35 UTC from web
          1. @noirbatch I don't listen to Hold Your Color nearly as much as I should. I get like two songs in, then I go " I want to listen to Crush/Mutiny" and forget I was listening to Hold Your Color in the first place.

            Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 22:01:59 UTC from web
            1. @fortecadenza shuffle is your friend on that album then. I swear every time I hear tarantula in the car I end up speeding.

              Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 22:06:32 UTC from web