

  1. Hey there everypony

    Monday, 14-May-12 07:31:17 UTC from web
    1. @axelgunn Hi...

      Monday, 14-May-12 07:31:44 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels I saw your problem on Tumblr. I'm sorry to hear you bro.

        Monday, 14-May-12 07:32:10 UTC from web
    2. @axelgunn hey

      Monday, 14-May-12 07:32:07 UTC from web
      1. @silvershadow Sup?

        Monday, 14-May-12 07:32:21 UTC from web
        1. @axelgunn school

          Monday, 14-May-12 07:33:41 UTC from web
          1. @silvershadow Oh fun stuff.

            Monday, 14-May-12 07:33:57 UTC from web
            1. @axelgunn yeah. What you up to?

              Monday, 14-May-12 07:38:34 UTC from web
              1. @silvershadow Watching Psyche on Netflix

                Monday, 14-May-12 07:38:51 UTC from web
                1. @axelgunn awesome:p or not :D

                  Monday, 14-May-12 07:41:43 UTC from web
                  1. @silvershadow What do you mean? :O

                    Monday, 14-May-12 07:42:46 UTC from web
                    1. @axelgunn Idk. My life doesn't make sense.

                      Monday, 14-May-12 07:44:18 UTC from web
                      1. @silvershadow Neither does mine a surprising amount of the time.

                        Monday, 14-May-12 07:49:27 UTC from web
                        1. @axelgunn yeah, I know how you feel

                          Monday, 14-May-12 07:51:57 UTC from web
                          1. @silvershadow Indeed.

                            Monday, 14-May-12 07:53:19 UTC from web
                            1. @axelgunn yeah #

                              Monday, 14-May-12 08:00:35 UTC from web
    3. @axelgunn hey there axel. haven't seen you around for a while.

      Monday, 14-May-12 07:32:32 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony Yeah, took a break from RDN. How you been?

        Monday, 14-May-12 07:33:07 UTC from web
        1. @axelgunn Hey long time no see friend!

          Monday, 14-May-12 07:35:35 UTC from web
        2. @axelgunn been good until tonight. i swear I'm gonna have a heart attack or something. You been busy or something?

          Monday, 14-May-12 07:35:40 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony Been trying to keep busy. I'm running out of stuff though.

            Monday, 14-May-12 07:36:20 UTC from web
            1. @axelgunn I see. So this place is the last stand, huh? Just the place you go when you're really bored?

              Monday, 14-May-12 07:37:19 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony In a sense yeah.

                Monday, 14-May-12 07:38:45 UTC from web
                1. @axelgunn That hurts... it really hurts.

                  Monday, 14-May-12 07:42:30 UTC from web
                  1. @abigpony I'm sorry. But I've been trying to keep busy but now I'm out of ideas so I'm back.

                    Monday, 14-May-12 07:44:11 UTC from web
                    1. @axelgunn Well I'm sorry we're your last hope.

                      Monday, 14-May-12 07:44:49 UTC from web
                      1. @abigpony I understand. I basically doubt every decision I make.

                        Monday, 14-May-12 07:46:49 UTC from web
                      2. @abigpony I understand. I basically doubt every decision I make.

                        Monday, 14-May-12 07:48:39 UTC from web
                        1. @axelgunn Why? Where are the problems? Why doubt anything? There are always reasons.

                          Monday, 14-May-12 07:49:29 UTC from web
                          1. @abigpony I have bad self-esteem. I've always doubted myself.

                            Monday, 14-May-12 07:51:15 UTC from web
                            1. @axelgunn Don't do that. Everything you do is done for a reason. You are what you are.

                              Monday, 14-May-12 07:53:05 UTC from web
                              1. @abigpony And many a time I feel like what I am is nothing. But it's a problem I've had for a long time.

                                Monday, 14-May-12 07:54:20 UTC from web
                                1. @axelgunn Know what you need to do less? thinking. "Thought is what defines us, but it soon becomes what destroys us" -some person I can't remember

                                  Monday, 14-May-12 08:01:14 UTC from web
                                  1. @abigpony I have too much time on my hands to not think as much.

                                    Monday, 14-May-12 08:02:49 UTC from web
                                    1. @axelgunn get a hobby, dude. hang out on here or something more. We're pretty good at bringing out the thoughtlessness.

                                      Monday, 14-May-12 08:04:36 UTC from web
                                      1. @abigpony One sec. Things are intense on Psyche right now.

                                        Monday, 14-May-12 08:05:15 UTC from web
                                        1. @axelgunn Ah, man. Psych is freakin sweet!

                                          Monday, 14-May-12 08:06:13 UTC from web
                                          1. @abigpony I know right?? I'm almost done with it on Netflix. Final episode.

                                            Monday, 14-May-12 08:07:01 UTC from web
                                            1. @axelgunn Glad you're catching up. Shame new season doesn't start until October.

                                              Monday, 14-May-12 08:07:34 UTC from web
                                              1. @abigpony That is a very large shame. I'm now slightly disappointed. I just got into Psyche sometime last week.

                                                Monday, 14-May-12 08:08:15 UTC from web
                                                1. @axelgunn and you already watched all of them? Wow, you must have hauled on those.

                                                  Monday, 14-May-12 08:08:45 UTC from web
                                                  1. @abigpony Indeed I did. I couldn't help myself.

                                                    Monday, 14-May-12 08:09:23 UTC from web
                                                    1. @axelgunn next up: Ancient Aliens.

                                                      Monday, 14-May-12 08:11:19 UTC from web
                                                      1. @abigpony Actually, I just realized that Netflix only goes to season 5 of Psyche.

                                                        Monday, 14-May-12 08:13:27 UTC from web
                                                        1. @axelgunn That's a shame. You can find the rest somewhere online.

                                                          Monday, 14-May-12 08:14:09 UTC from web
                                                          1. @abigpony Oh I will.

                                                            Monday, 14-May-12 08:16:33 UTC from web
                                                            1. @axelgunn and then you'll watch Ancient Aliens?

                                                              Monday, 14-May-12 08:19:19 UTC from web
                                                              1. @abigpony Indeed I shall.

                                                                Monday, 14-May-12 08:19:52 UTC from web
    4. @axelgunn Hey there #

      Monday, 14-May-12 07:56:39 UTC from web
      1. @scribble Hey you #

        Monday, 14-May-12 07:56:54 UTC from web
        1. @axelgunn How are you doing? Haven't talked in some time

          Monday, 14-May-12 07:58:10 UTC from web
          1. @scribble Bleh. I've been better. I've also been in worse places. Came back to RDN because I ran out of stuff to keep myself busy with.

            Monday, 14-May-12 07:59:35 UTC from web
            1. @axelgunn I'm kind of in the same area.

              Monday, 14-May-12 08:00:36 UTC from web
    5. @thatonepony want to what? Find the rest of the episodes of Psych? because that show kicks major grapes.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:16:27 UTC from web
    6. @thatonepony you're just high, bro. You don't know quality.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:21:07 UTC from web
    7. @thatonepony but it's fuuuuuunny. Not like every other show isn't crap nowadays anyway. I get to enjoy 2 live action shows because they don't suffer from down-syndrome-writers so you can deal with it. I don't like the show for the continuing plot much at all because that's kind of really dumb, but I enjoy the slice of life adventures that sometimes link in future episodes.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:31:05 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony I did enjoy the whole Yin Yang thing.

        Monday, 14-May-12 08:31:52 UTC from web
        1. @axelgunn That was fun. I appreciate the continuity.

          Monday, 14-May-12 08:32:48 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony I did too.

            Monday, 14-May-12 08:33:34 UTC from web
    8. @thatonepony I like Psych and Fantasy Factory because cherries you, that's why. You probably don't watch anything.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:36:25 UTC from web
    9. @thatonepony Pretty much. Shame you can't even watch Ancient Aliens.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:42:11 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony My friend recommended watching Ancient Aliens. It good?

        Monday, 14-May-12 08:46:35 UTC from web
        1. @renovatedkitchen it is definitely amusing

          Monday, 14-May-12 08:47:00 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony I'll have to give it a try then :)

            Monday, 14-May-12 08:56:57 UTC from web
    10. @thatonepony it totally counts

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:43:27 UTC from web
    11. @thatonepony I would put it as a live action movie series yes because it is using real people and real objects that have just been manipulated by effects. Pretty much if it contains real people and some real objects, I would consider it live-action considering the action is done by live beings.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:46:46 UTC from web
    12. @thatonepony documentaries DO count, though.

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:50:53 UTC from web
    13. @thatonepony >implying I got told >implying I said anything about scripting or acting

      Monday, 14-May-12 08:54:25 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony @ceruleanspark Join the club, we have jackets lol. Even in real life I get that a lot.

        Monday, 14-May-12 08:57:10 UTC from web
        1. @noirbatch get what alot?

          Monday, 14-May-12 09:01:42 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony People opening up to you, I actually enjoy it. I love helping people, but it does get rather annoying when people complain just because they know I'll listen. It is somehow an honor too. I don't mind deep problems, but those petty ones like omg my bf is ... no just no lol

            Monday, 14-May-12 09:04:20 UTC from web
            1. @noirbatch yeah, I just tell them to "F off" for the most part. Everybodi is a support group and everybody needs a support group, it's just a matter of choosing your professionals.

              Monday, 14-May-12 09:05:41 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony True, but I tend to help regardless. You just have to choose your weapon wisely. Sincerity can only get you so far, sometimes it is tough love.

                Monday, 14-May-12 09:07:29 UTC from web
                1. @noirbatch this is true, so very true.

                  Monday, 14-May-12 09:08:50 UTC from web
                  1. @abigpony Yeah, well what are you up to friend?

                    Monday, 14-May-12 09:09:29 UTC from web
                    1. @noirbatch friend's been linking me to alot of skate videos. pretty much watching people manual for hours here.

                      Monday, 14-May-12 09:10:15 UTC from web
                      1. @abigpony That sounds pretty entertaining lol

                        Monday, 14-May-12 09:10:53 UTC from web
                        1. @noirbatch Only minorly. They're manualing for, like, a mile at a time. how about you? Anything interesting?

                          Monday, 14-May-12 09:11:50 UTC from web
                          1. @abigpony Just animating Scootaloo

                            Monday, 14-May-12 09:12:51 UTC from web
                            1. @noirbatch I heard you were doing some animation thing. How'd you end up going back to that?

                              Monday, 14-May-12 09:13:12 UTC from web
                              1. @abigpony Well When I was working on my rainbow factory typography vid, I had no idea what to do during the violin solo. My friend said you used to animate right? I said yea why? Then he basically said animate something. So here I am in flash animating Scootaloo (roughly) escaping.

                                Monday, 14-May-12 09:15:36 UTC from web
                                1. @noirbatch I see. Riveting. Keep on keeping on.

                                  Monday, 14-May-12 09:17:12 UTC from web
                                  1. @abigpony Why thank you friend, I hope it turns out alright.

                                    Monday, 14-May-12 09:18:16 UTC from web
                                    1. @noirbatch as do I. promise to show us all when you're done.

                                      Monday, 14-May-12 09:24:36 UTC from web
                                      1. @abigpony Of course I will. Now I am a bit more inspired since Wooden Toaster likes it

                                        Monday, 14-May-12 09:27:03 UTC from web
                                        1. @noirbatch since he likes what? The typography? you've shown him?

                                          Monday, 14-May-12 09:29:28 UTC from web
                                          1. @abigpony I posted what I have done so far, well just in a concept phase.

                                            Monday, 14-May-12 09:32:02 UTC from web
                                            1. @noirbatch I see. So you shown him? Looks alright.

                                              Monday, 14-May-12 09:39:26 UTC from web
                                              1. @abigpony Have you seen it?

                                                Monday, 14-May-12 09:42:20 UTC from web
                                                1. @noirbatch the scootaloo thing you posted?

                                                  Monday, 14-May-12 09:43:03 UTC from web
                                                  1. @abigpony Oh that? That is just what I was working on as far as a rough animation. This is my concept video here.

                                                    Monday, 14-May-12 09:44:43 UTC from web
                                                    1. @noirbatch yeah, just watched it. it's 'eh". Seems a really simplified version of what a typography video is.

                                                      Monday, 14-May-12 09:46:01 UTC from web
                                                      1. @abigpony Yeah hence being a concept video. I am really workin hard on a dynamic changing script that allows my to match the music to a color. As well as the highs, mid, and lows of the song. That video was to see if I could render a base without crashing by the time it got to the particles. Now... well I have kicked it up a notch or 12

                                                        Monday, 14-May-12 09:48:38 UTC from web
                                                        1. @noirbatch Well it's just the transofrmation of the text and stuff is really simplistic. flashy colors and coordination are nothing without a decent base. It's like realizing Tommy Wiseau isn't doing a good enough job, so you hire Adam Sandler to "make it a hit".

                                                          Monday, 14-May-12 09:51:27 UTC from web
                                                          1. @abigpony Yeah, I am not looking for flash. That text will not be like that at all. I am looking for overall atmosphere. I have done typography vids, and this one is more like me challenging myself to do more to create that darkness of the song.

                                                            Monday, 14-May-12 09:53:32 UTC from web
                                                            1. @noirbatch Well the song really does nothing but make me kind of angry, so i wouldn't know of a "vibe" but if you're supposed to be trying to give off a dark vibe for the song, it seems like it's trying too hard. I guess I'll have to wait until it comes out entirely or something.

                                                              Monday, 14-May-12 09:59:22 UTC from web
                                                              1. @abigpony Yeah, it will look nothing like that. It is just proof that my script is somewhat functional. Why angry?

                                                                Monday, 14-May-12 10:00:53 UTC from web
                                                                1. @noirbatch because I think the song sounds like utter butt and partially because it doesn't convey what I get from the fic.

                                                                  Monday, 14-May-12 10:03:23 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @abigpony Ah I see, well you cannot please everyone.

                                                                    Monday, 14-May-12 10:05:19 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @noirbatch especially not me. I hate everything, especially the majority of electronic music.

                                                                      Monday, 14-May-12 10:06:23 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @abigpony I enjoy a lot of different genres. I tend to go back to classic rock most of the time. It was good talking to you friend, you have a good night. Take care!

                                                                        Monday, 14-May-12 10:08:40 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @noirbatch you too. Good luck in finishing that project and I hope you get more recognition for it.

                                                                          Monday, 14-May-12 10:09:57 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @abigpony Thank you, and I don;t care for the recognition,as long as I feel good about what I made. Take it easy, and sleep well

                                                                            Monday, 14-May-12 10:11:20 UTC from web
            2. @noirbatch I know that feeling. It didn't happen often for me, but when it happens, it is very, very annoying..

              Monday, 14-May-12 09:11:48 UTC from web
              1. @hakupony Yeah, but hey it's what I do ^_^. What are you up to today?

                Monday, 14-May-12 09:12:36 UTC from web
                1. @noirbatch Hey, it is very much possible, I'll be doing such stuff for a living. To achieve that goal, I will be in a very boring lecture in an hour - in on of the rooms without internt access..

                  Monday, 14-May-12 09:14:24 UTC from web
                  1. @hakupony It is my lifes goal to make someone smile and feel accepted everyday. Ever since I was 4 I had that notion to. Also that sucks so bad... I have classes like that too

                    Monday, 14-May-12 09:17:46 UTC from web
                    1. @noirbatch It's rally testing my disciplin. I could just not go there, write my paper and would pass. The problem is that the subject is rather interesting - the guy who teaches it is just the most boring person I know...

                      Monday, 14-May-12 09:19:34 UTC from web
                      1. @hakupony That is the worst, a great subject... Boring teacher Meh

                        Monday, 14-May-12 09:20:41 UTC from web
    14. @thatonepony I was just talking about the aspects of "live-action". When did we get into this whole bigger debacle.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:01:13 UTC from web
    15. @thatonepony You oughtta get off that stuff, man. Messes witcha. it does produce some interesting commentary, though.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:04:13 UTC from web
    16. @thatonepony yeah. i haven't seen an error so far.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:05:56 UTC from web
    17. @thatonepony Are you also not allowed to talk loudly around the house?

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:07:47 UTC from web
    18. @thatonepony magician, eh? I never took you for the type. I guess the mystery surrounding them is part of the presence, though.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:11:11 UTC from web
    19. @thatonepony I see. Why?

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:13:26 UTC from web
    20. @thatonepony females I can understand. Puppets and magic and crap i cannot.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:16:43 UTC from web
    21. @thatonepony Nope, but I've probably had better at some point.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:22:48 UTC from web
    22. @thatonepony doubt it. you'll probably forget or something.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:24:51 UTC from web
    23. @thatonepony I won't because I don't even remember what we're talking about.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:29:09 UTC from web
    24. @thatonepony juggling puppets' balls and making them feel magical or something.

      Monday, 14-May-12 09:30:55 UTC from web