

  1. Time to start a fire.....RARITY IS BEST PONY

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:36:57 UTC from web
    1. @hayseed There are no best ponies - only favorite ponies depending on the person. *sprays water on your fire*

      Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:39:30 UTC from web
      1. @clayinthecarpet you cheeky little....

        Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:40:32 UTC from web
        1. @hayseed Now, do I believe that more ponies have had their personalities fleshed out more completely than others? Oh, HELL yes. Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash have come such a long way throughout the series. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack are still a bit further behind, but the newest episode with Pinkie Pie certainly did a lot to flesh out her personality a bit more, too.

          Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:46:08 UTC from web
          1. @hayseed if you can call being batcrap insane a personallity but it's for that reason that we all love pinkie and everyone knows it. applejack is a little too honest for her own good, rarity is an over dramatic canterlot wannabe(as proven at the gala), twilight is to put it bluntly the nerd of the group, fluttershy is 'even if we wish it wasn't true' the canon fodder(seriouslly, why doe's the bad things happen to her?), rainbow dash is the loyal but dense and about 20% cooler then the rest.

            Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:54:28 UTC from web
            1. @thepinkshadow Pinkie's not "insane"...She's some kind of genius that just doesn't even function on the same level of reality as anypony else. Her twitchy tail and all that stuff is apparently true in the canon of the show, and is proven many times. Then there's the fact that she breaks the fourth wall CONSTANTLY. That's not crazy. That's...awesome. Weird, and awesome.

              Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:56:11 UTC from web
              1. @clayinthecarpet hey as you know ALL geniuses ARE insane in some way, shape, or form.

                Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:58:16 UTC from web
                1. @thepinkshadow I don't agree with that. Stephen Hawking isn't insane. Albert Einstein wasn't insane.

                  Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:58:45 UTC from web
                  1. @clayinthecarpet not sure about hawkings but albert einstien wasn't able to tie his shoes and as the generalization of the basis on insanity is the 'difference from the norm' in terms of mental capacities or capabilities. also I got to get to bed so be seeing everyone soon.

                    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 05:02:42 UTC from web
                    1. @thepinkshadow haha, okay. Well nice meeting you and have a good one!

                      Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 05:03:10 UTC from web
        2. @hayseed With that said, my favorites are Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

          Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:47:40 UTC from web
          1. @clayinthecarpet m favorites are pinkie and twilight.

            Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:54:52 UTC from web
            1. @thepinkshadow Twily is a nice favorite to have. :D She's awesome as a character and I love her.

              Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:58:19 UTC from web
    2. @hayseed best pony is best pony for the pony that is the best at being best pony. yeah I don't get it either.

      Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 04:44:04 UTC from web