

  1. Well, time for me to go, my D&D group awaits! And no, @carcino, I can't take you with me.

    Monday, 14-May-12 17:21:08 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos Have fun and beware the countless mostrous goos...

      Monday, 14-May-12 17:22:22 UTC from web
    2. ]@woona Or a you a [s]spy[/s rogue?

      Monday, 14-May-12 17:23:14 UTC from web
    3. @nerthos Bugger all.

      Monday, 14-May-12 17:28:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @woona As a matter of fact, yeah, I'll be playing a sorcerer xD A sealed demon plane lord to be exact. #

      Tuesday, 15-May-12 16:08:06 UTC from web
    5. @woona The only problem is that it's on the same world I have my OP paladin, 400 years after. So I'll probably meet the paladin and avoiding a battle will be hard.

      Tuesday, 15-May-12 16:12:56 UTC from web