

  1. Hai

    Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:06:56 UTC from web
    • @electroidfire Hi there, what's up?

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:15:31 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Nothing much, just been busy with my art work and been mostly just help a friend get into PC gaming

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:17:11 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire A just cause. PC gaming is best gaming.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:17:48 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Yeah, I really have enjoyed it even if we get some titles a bit later then the...the.....Consoles.... (Joking) but anyway yeah, he mostly likes it too and as so we just been playing Saints Row 4 and Gmod a lot

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:19:39 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire Some titles get on PC a bit later, yeah, but generally they also have more features or all dlc included. Recently I've been playing MGR Revengeance, which is an example on how to do a port to PC. Controls are ideal, no bugs, all dlc already included, smooth running.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:22:11 UTC in context
    • @nerthos I originally thought that game was gonna be a crap port from the specs listed which was a bit weird and off but glad it was the few that just came out that actually works and doesn't limit you to 8 gigs or crash for some people

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:23:32 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire It is a bit resource intensive when you go crazy on blade mode but I have over 20 hours of gameplay and still no crashes, bugs or errors at all.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:25:13 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Well I can see that because of the slicing physics taking place and such would mostly take a lot of CPU usage and such then GPU usage, the game does look interesting but I want to wait until a Steam Sale to pick it up since it doesn't feel to me like a worth 30$ game atm, just mostly because of the short gameplay and such

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:28:10 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire Yeah, I'll agree with you that the campaign is short. Still, as an action game it's just plain great and it can be difficult while still being mostly fair and fast paced. It's 7 chapters with Raiden and then two extra story chapters with Blade Wolf and Jetstream Sam, plus about 35 or 40 VR missions and five difficulty settings.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:32:40 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Well I just want to be also sure I will like it since I always hate buying a game I think looks good but then is just utter boring to me or very repetitive (ex: CoD Ghosts (which at first looked like a revamp in the series and actually worth my money but then I saw the horrors of unoptimization, holy crappy online and of course witness the worse unoptimized CoD in history of my life) and Left 4 Dead 2 and etc)

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:35:32 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire You can always pirate it to try it. I'll stream a playthrough of the game when Redenchilada is around anyway so if you want to watch you can get a fairly accurate idea of what the game is like.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:37:29 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Well yeah I know pirating is a option but just I don't want to rely on pirating, I mean I know it can be a life saver if I'm short on cash but still there are risks of pirating at times and same time don't want to be heavily envolved, I may watch the playthrough but I would probably wait for some good sales to come in so that way I can get a copy that was legally purchased and same time don't have to worry about the whole Online police getting there panties in a bunch for the whole "pirating" thing and mostly giving publishers the idea that every PC gamer is a "Theif"

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:41:11 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire My policy is to pirate stuff to try it and if it's good I buy it. Sometimes I don't even play the legit version because the experience under Steam or other DRM platforms tends to be inferior to the pirated alternative, at least for singleplayer games, but I like to buy it to support the developers of a game I liked. Plus in my country the cops tend to go after the real criminals who pose a threat to people rather than spend millions on online surveillance to catch guys who most likely won't commit a crime bigger than jaywalking in their lifetimes.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:48:15 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Yeah and I have done that advice before on games like Metro Last Light when it first came out when the patch for AMD cards was released and helped the performance on my old 7850 which I replaced with Nvidia GTX 760 to kinda get a feel for Nvidia cards but anyway, I do understand the goods but also want to try not to get in the habit of pirating a lot since I live in America and mostly since Net Neutrality kinda died, mostly could sorta cause problems later down or maybe not allow me to get on the site at all so I mean I just am more use to getting it through Steam since I mean in a sense it does feel good to support the developer at times and to have neat automatic updates and to mostly be able to redownload it without worrying about how many seeders there are or if it's a working cracked game or not

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 10:54:51 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire The Russians release the best pirated games (as far I've heard, they actually have anti-DRM laws over there. It makes me laugh how a country historically known for opressing it's people gives more freedom over the internet to it's people than western countries). MGR was 25GB but the Russians released a 10.7GB custom installer with autocracker. That's another thing developers should start doing, use proper compression protocols to reduce download sizes and as a direct result reduce load on servers and waiting times. Steam has some pretty awful issues with downloading. If they release a patch for a game while you're downloading it you have to delete all your files and start again since the files on your HDD don't match the files on the server; and the installation forces you to reinstall DirectX and other drivers whereas a pirate installer lets you decide wether to install them or not, since most of the time a gaming rig will already have all that stuff up to date.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:05:05 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Yeah, all true and such but I mean still, sometimes there is that one jerk that will mostly implant something that is malicious at times and mostly making someone face palm but still, I just gonna try to keep it safe and mostly deal with some of Steam issues without having mostly having internet providers and developers and all that being all butthurt about pirating and being all so bad and such

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:09:02 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire Yeah, I get your point. I'm not trying to convince you to change your ways. I just don't like restrictive and invasive platforms like Steam, Origin, Uplay and others. Now sites like I love those, and strongly encourage people to buy stuff from those sites, both to support them and to show the industry that intrusive DRM is a stupid concept.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:14:00 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Yeah, GOG is pretty awesome and plus was actually pretty nice of them to give the Fallout collection for free even if it made the servers go down

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:15:51 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire It was three things: A pretty cool thing to do, a really good publicity maneuver, and a witty way to deal with losing the rights to the franchise.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:18:17 UTC in context
    • @nerthos And DRM maybe dumb but Steam does DRM atleast the best in my opinion since I mean you still get some pretty sweet deals from Steam which I think makes up some of the crap it can give and same time doing at least some nice features like Family Sharing also which does help people try out games too

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:19:39 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire Huh. Didn't knew about Steam Sharing. That'll come in handy since me and my brother both have libraries of our own. But yes, the sales do balance the deal. Plus Steam is highly succesful because despite being really intrusive, it does all the "shady" stuff in the background, and most users never notice.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:23:34 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Well, the shady crap still can't be as worse as kinda how Capcom and EA went so no matter what, you can't complain since I mean we kinda have a more open area then Consoles which I mean who doesn't like more options then just the standard PS Store and Xbox LIVE Marketplace

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:27:39 UTC in context
    • @electroidfire You can't really compare a DRM platform (for now, at least), restrictive as it may be, with a console. Consoles are that, consoles. They only let you do a certain set of developer-approved actions and that's it. The closest to a console you'll find on the computer field are Apple products.

      Sunday, 19-Jan-14 11:30:08 UTC in context