

  1. @mushi The abyss/graces/xillia 1 and 2 costumes in tales of symphonia chronicles are all obtainable in the game itself and no dlcs

    Monday, 10-Feb-14 15:16:23 UTC from web

      Monday, 10-Feb-14 15:44:54 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Mushi I'm gonna need you to calm down. You're scaring the children, namely me.

        Monday, 10-Feb-14 15:45:43 UTC from web
      2. @mushi yeah if i remember correctly the guy and luke costumes are avaible from the start and the graces/xillia1-2/vesperia either from start if you have savefiles from those games or on newgame+. I'm curious about which new artes and stuff will be there.

        Monday, 10-Feb-14 18:42:23 UTC from web
        1. @chaosmagic i only knew you could tranfer the costumes from xillia one. Well, vesperia we can transfer because the ps3 version is japan only

          Monday, 10-Feb-14 19:55:56 UTC from web
          1. @mushi well vesperia costumes will be avaible in that case for new game+ so nothing to worry

            Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 02:56:09 UTC from web