

  1. anypony wanna skype? im bored

    Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:06:58 UTC from web
    1. @partypinkiestyle I would but I'm busy with homework tonight. my Skype : LyokoTravels

      Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:07:51 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels kk

        Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:09:58 UTC from web
    2. @partypinkiestyle I wanna skype! Too bad my parents forced me off my laptop...

      Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:07:55 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk42 that sux. oh well

        Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:10:08 UTC from web
        1. @partypinkiestyle My skype is the_canadian_gamer, if ya wanna add me as a contact.

          Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:12:36 UTC from web
          1. @techdisk42 i already have u as a contact :)

            Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:12:58 UTC from web
            1. @partypinkiestyle Oh! Lol I forget things...

              Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:13:50 UTC from web
              1. @techdisk42 dats ok lol

                Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:14:25 UTC from web
    3. @partypinkiestyle Sure :D

      Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:07:57 UTC from web
      1. @kojah whts ur username

        Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:10:26 UTC from web
        1. @partypinkiestyle kojah_eez_strange ... Because I AM! *is wearing hypno goggles* FEEEAAAAR MEEEE!

          Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:11:22 UTC from web
          1. @kojah thats ok im not gonna do a vid chat

            Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:13:17 UTC from web
            1. @partypinkiestyle I wouldn't really want to vid chat xD My voice and face leave much to be desired xD

              Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:14:07 UTC from web
              1. @kojah lol

                Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:15:40 UTC from web
            2. @partypinkiestyle i made a sucky site 4 bronies but i will make it better

              Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:14:09 UTC from web
              1. @awesomelostbrony whts ur brony site? is it the one u showed me the other day?

                Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:16:09 UTC from web
                1. @partypinkiestyle no i just made it to day its

                  Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:17:17 UTC from web
                  1. @awesomelostbrony cool!

                    Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:20:14 UTC from web
    4. @partypinkiestyle Aka I can't skype :(

      Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:08:25 UTC from web
    5. @partypinkiestyle meh

      Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:08:54 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony Heyyyyy how's the drawing goin?

        Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:10:15 UTC from web
        1. @techdisk42 I sketched skeletons and forgot. I got caught up in Ukinojoe. I shall focus on it now, though. Sorry for that

          Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:11:32 UTC from web
      2. @abigpony bleh

        Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:10:16 UTC from web
        1. @partypinkiestyle greh

          Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:11:52 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony reh

            Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:13:29 UTC from web
            1. @partypinkiestyle treh

              Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:19:17 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony blooga

                Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:20:26 UTC from web
    6. @partypinkiestyle Oh yeah! That was hilarious!

      Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:17:39 UTC from web
      1. @techdisk42 lol evrypony was like whts up with her lol

        Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:19:56 UTC from web