

  1. Totally starting a furry podcast called Furr the Win.

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:46:06 UTC from web
    1. @thedash (c) Dash Podcasts

      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:46:30 UTC from web
    2. @thedash Why, extreme? Why did you have to fall to the dark side?

      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:53:30 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Because they are really cool bros, it's the same reason why I started the brony stuff a long time ago. The people are cool.

        Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:57:07 UTC from web
        1. @thedash T.T

          Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:57:52 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Like tonight I'm goin' out with some to some bars. One of them also works at one of the bars so discounted drinks!

            Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 22:05:16 UTC from web