

  1. @mushi what's your avatar ? and i wish spirit milla would fight different :c

    Saturday, 08-Mar-14 01:06:38 UTC from web
    1. @chaosmagic my avatar? it is a pony i created here

      Also, have you just gotten in the spirit milla ? And, well, at least she got the 4 back, though i only used undine and siylph

      Saturday, 08-Mar-14 01:10:51 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Yeah I am at that part and it is kinda weird the spirit world thing and such. I use all four. It's just weird that she lost her memories but still knows how to wield a sword XD I hope that xillia 2 also allows 16 slots for artes, cause even 16 can be limited enough for some chars

        Saturday, 08-Mar-14 13:45:12 UTC from web
        1. @chaosmagic meh, i was too used to my artes to change them fr the four, so i only changed sme i were not using.

          Since ou have he devil beasts, the boss fight of the spirit Milla might be a little easier than for me .-.

          i hope they do, Milla has a ton of artes and will be a shame if we can use them all

          Saturday, 08-Mar-14 14:29:01 UTC from web
          1. @mushi I just like them :3 Is sylph male in xillia? Yeah the weapon makes it easier and guess what i did muzet on unknown without any items :D Jude and milla and alvin i think have the most but im not too sure

            Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:24:07 UTC from web
            1. @chaosmagic wow, Muzet was the hardest fight in the series IMO. Ans, well, i dont know, i think she is more like a flat chested tsundere and wears her shirt open because spirits dont have nipples (see undine)

              Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:31:48 UTC from web
              1. @mushi you had me at nipples

                Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:33:03 UTC from web
                1. @theyurityphoon i was thinking of a way to write that without saying nippels, but i didnt think of any

                  Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:36:15 UTC from web
              2. @mushi she was strong tough. I used the four to attack her at distance. Srly? Sylph totally sounds like a younger boy to me xD Didnt notice all spirits dont have nippels, Ifrit and gnome are obvious that they dont have them cause they dont look human ish at all

                Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:40:43 UTC from web
                1. @chaosmagic I have no idea what you're talking about. I just wanted to tell you that. No offense intended. I'm just baffled.

                  Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:42:15 UTC from web
                  1. @clayinthecarpet its fine xD

                    Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:44:36 UTC from web
                2. @chaosmagic these never look human like, but the upper part of Undine is human, and she doesnt have them. And it is a bit normal that the tsundere girls sound like that, besides, Sylph has always been female, so i think they'd keep that

                  Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:43:14 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi Celsius and undine have a human ish appearance mostly and maxwell himself. Human like doesnt mean complete human. Also tales of eternia has a male sylph and being spirits they are all technically genderless. Also with every regeneration their appearance can change. Now i noticed that xillia is the first game that explains why the spirits look different in every game

                    Sunday, 09-Mar-14 02:57:28 UTC from web
                    1. @chaosmagic it has a male sylph? i thought it was female :V
                      And i had not payed atention to that. i thought it was just a freature of the series. and spirits work in a real diifferent way on tales of vesperia, so i think that explanation only work for ToX

                      Sunday, 09-Mar-14 03:00:36 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi I dunno how it is in vesperia but i think it works for symphonia and phantasia seeing as the spirits change between those games and for a fact symphonia and phantasia play on the same world

                        Sunday, 09-Mar-14 03:37:40 UTC from web
                        1. @chaosmagic well, sorry, but simply saying that there is spirits in vesperia was a spoiler D=. And yes, they spirits changed a lot between these. Like Gnome was a bunch of missiles.

                          Sunday, 09-Mar-14 03:39:08 UTC from web
                          1. @mushi im wondering one thing tough vesperia has two versions the xbox360 and japan exclusive ps3 one. The ps3 one has flynn as a playable char so does that influence the story ? yeah i remember phantasia gnome :D volt seems tough always being some ball of thunder bolts

                            Sunday, 09-Mar-14 06:10:55 UTC from web
                            1. @chaosmagic i dont think they'd change much, there is a lot of times where they could have let us play with flynn but we cant. I think the biggest change was Patty fleur, but i've heard she is not important.

                              And Gnome is the one who changes the most between the games

                              Sunday, 09-Mar-14 14:19:19 UTC from web
                              1. @mushi Ohh o:

                                Tuesday, 11-Mar-14 03:55:43 UTC from web