

  1. I possibly feel even more tired than I did last night. These past few days have been so rough on me. I'm going to try to hold on until dinner or something...

    Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:13:29 UTC from web
    1. @neuraria Are you okay?

      Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:14:10 UTC from web
      1. @theyurityphoon Yes, just not used to getting up at around 7-8 to be attentive for 8 hours, rest for 3 hours then work for another 3 hours to get home and just completely crash. Only to then wake up and feel like I haven't had enough sleep.

        Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:15:36 UTC from web
        1. @neuraria I'm sorry ;; *hugs*

          Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:17:00 UTC from web
        2. @neuraria Try eating chocolate, it worked for me.

          Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:17:29 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I think we still have a bit lying around. I'm also just taking a bit of time to just rest my eyes every few hours.

            Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:21:36 UTC from web
            1. @neuraria Chocolate is the best thing after chewing coca leaves if you need energy

              Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:25:28 UTC from web
      2. @theyurityphoon I feel very past tired and a bit achey.

        Friday, 28-Mar-14 07:16:04 UTC from web