

  1. I leave for a month and look what happens. You guys can't be left alone for even a mere 30 days. Lordy help y'all!

    Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:50:09 UTC from web
    1. @vt3c Holy hell thats still a thing? Damn.

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:51:41 UTC from web
    2. @hoit A pimp revolution is underway, even though there's nobody to revolt against!

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:52:01 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Ah that sounds like something for sure. Anyway, lets not talk about it. Instead lets talk about you. How are you?

        Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:53:38 UTC from web
        1. @hoit I'm good. It was an amusing day all around. Looking at funnies on tumblr and playing Phoenix Wright 1. How's things on your end?

          Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:54:49 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I was really hoping you said furries and not funnies. The disappointment is there and it hurts.

            Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:55:53 UTC from web
            1. @flamingpandaomg Why would I be looking at furries?

              Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:57:01 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos because people can dream

                Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:57:38 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg I hope people don't dream about furries

                  Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:58:24 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos I sure do, amongst other things.

                    Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:58:57 UTC from web
                    1. @flamingpandaomg Do you need a priest to confess?

                      Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:00:52 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos I got home from an amazing trip and kinda sitting in the after glow ya know?

            Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:56:59 UTC from web
            1. @hoit Hmm? Where did you go?

              Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:57:46 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos I went to Oregon with my friends. Went to the beach, met my boyfriend life was good.

                Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:59:43 UTC from web
                1. @hoit I don't know much about Oregon other than Oregon trail.

                  Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:01:15 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos It it rained a lot, but it was amazing and I loved every day of it.

                    Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:02:21 UTC from web
                    1. @hoit How's the state geographically speaking? Landscapes and all that

                      Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:03:17 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos Mountains and trees with ocean and flat grass and all sorts of junk

                        Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:04:23 UTC from web
                        1. @hoit That sounds surprisingly pretty. I imagined it as either mountain trees and lakes or wild west.

                          Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:06:11 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos It is pretty! Rained to much to go see it

                            Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:06:51 UTC from web
                            1. @hoit Rain is good. Rain is love, rain is life. Just like Shrek.

                              Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:07:29 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos There was plenty of love, yes.

                                Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:07:54 UTC from web
                                1. @hoit Ew

                                  Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:08:30 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos ye, it was pretty gross.

                                    Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:09:24 UTC from web
                          2. @nerthos but it was pretty!

                            Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:06:58 UTC from web
    3. @vt3c Wow, I actually have second hand embarrassment for whoever made that. Damn.

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 04:56:37 UTC from web
    4. @vt3c lol xD so random #

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:00:17 UTC from web
    5. @vt3c please no

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:01:48 UTC from web
    6. @vt3c thank

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:03:12 UTC from web
    7. @vt3c Couldn't agree more.

      Monday, 31-Mar-14 05:09:39 UTC from web