

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @comradeconventrix OH DEAR *CENSORED* ALMIGHTY -.-

      Monday, 21-May-12 19:33:12 UTC from web
    2. @comradeconventrix ._. the world should have ended in the fifties

      Monday, 21-May-12 19:37:07 UTC from web
    3. @comradeconventrix That sounds like an amazing story idea...

      Monday, 21-May-12 19:47:42 UTC from web
    4. @comradeconventrix Plus, I think there's already a game about it tbh. And ya, me too, except I do get around to it i guess... I have to balance it between making music and art...and social life...and internet usage...and ya...

      Monday, 21-May-12 19:50:30 UTC from web
    5. @comradeconventrix I think a steampunk settings might work, but I don't think it would be ideal for that kind of story really. Maybe like a semi-futuristic?

      Monday, 21-May-12 20:12:41 UTC from web
    6. @comradeconventrix Ah, well now that you explain it, indeed that could work!

      Monday, 21-May-12 20:20:38 UTC from web