

  1. Please marry with me I am alone.

    Saturday, 12-Jul-14 20:59:30 UTC from web
    1. @hoit marry @c

      Saturday, 12-Jul-14 21:04:05 UTC from web
      1. @voxxxrebel Okay, deal.

        Saturday, 12-Jul-14 21:04:39 UTC from web
    2. @c Duck! Phew that was close. The joke almost hit ya right in the head!

      Saturday, 12-Jul-14 21:06:13 UTC from web
    3. @c Hmm, sounds like it just missed its target then.

      Saturday, 12-Jul-14 21:08:29 UTC from web
    4. @c I don't even know who the subtext of this anymore. But I'll assume you're making fun of Narwhal.

      Saturday, 12-Jul-14 21:09:51 UTC from web
    5. @c I dunno, maybe it was someone else. We've been fight so long. We've forgotten why we started the war. Truly this is social commentary.

      Saturday, 12-Jul-14 21:11:25 UTC from web