

  1. "The Brony Show 148 - Building a deck for MLP:CCG and what to avoid

    Hello everypony. The card game is in full swing and now there are regionals and tournaments all

    around. Time to build a deck and fight for all those cool prizes. Of course building a deck does take

    work and advice is always useful. That's why we're going to help you with deck building strategies

    and tips, as well as show you 10 things you should never do when building a deck, courtesy of

    Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST this Monday. You can also join us an

    hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay

    after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on

    with the show, just email and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part

    of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot.

    Monday, 14-Jul-14 23:36:47 UTC from web