

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @comradeconventrix Porque el comunismo no permitiría que yo explotase toda ventaja para acercarme a una naturaleza divina.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:47:17 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Somos los seguidores del grandioso Adam Smith! Nunca nos han de vencer!

        Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:50:02 UTC from web
        1. @sebastian1314 No, de hecho, no sigo ninguno de los sistemas ya impuestos. Soy elitista, para ponerlo en una palabra.

          Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:51:48 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos XD yaaaaa...

            Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:55:54 UTC from web
    2. @comradeconventrix Ese es exactamente el problema.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:50:51 UTC from web
    3. @comradeconventrix @nerthos "un cuepo de cueca cuela"

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:54:10 UTC from web
    4. @comradeconventrix You already know the answer. Also, you argued with scribus to the point of making him drop modhood? I'm very very very dissappointed. The guy never took a wrong decision when moderating.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:56:14 UTC from web
    5. @comradeconventrix that is "portunish" for a cup of coke

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:57:50 UTC from web
    6. @comradeconventrix I know both well enough to be completely sure that THAT is BS.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 00:58:52 UTC from web
    7. @comradeconventrix There's a new rule thanks to you. Thanks for actively fighting aganist freedom.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 01:04:18 UTC from web
    8. @comradeconventrix Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's stupid that something like that was needed because someone couldn't stand a deleted post.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 01:08:54 UTC from web
    9. @comradeconventrix Whatever.

      Wednesday, 23-May-12 01:12:58 UTC from web