

  1. hi!

    Sunday, 27-May-12 05:41:51 UTC from web
    1. @deadhor5 Hi! How's it going?

      Sunday, 27-May-12 05:42:33 UTC from web
      1. @kingarthur5 good alittle tired XD you?

        Sunday, 27-May-12 05:46:23 UTC from web
        1. @deadhor5 Same. Spent all day studying for finals, working on prijects, and studying for sat subject tests. I'm finaly ready for some rd network chatting!

          Sunday, 27-May-12 05:48:15 UTC from web
    2. @deadhor5 HEY THAR

      Sunday, 27-May-12 05:42:37 UTC from web
      1. @foxgopher whatcha doin?? ^^

        Sunday, 27-May-12 05:46:45 UTC from web
        1. @deadhor5 Playing smash bros

          Sunday, 27-May-12 05:48:23 UTC from web
    3. @deadhor5 yo

      Sunday, 27-May-12 05:42:46 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony hi! what are you doin?? :D

        Sunday, 27-May-12 05:47:19 UTC from web
        1. @deadhor5 Working on a short little animation. You?

          Sunday, 27-May-12 05:52:55 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony tired as poop lol XD

            Sunday, 27-May-12 05:56:19 UTC from web
            1. @deadhor5 you gonna sleep? Just gonna give up like that?

              Sunday, 27-May-12 05:56:41 UTC from web
            2. @deadhor5 C'mon! Are you a man, or are you a brony!

              Sunday, 27-May-12 05:57:44 UTC from web
              1. @kingarthur5 lol um, both XD

                Sunday, 27-May-12 05:58:21 UTC from web
                1. @deadhor5 That's the spirit! Now! Are you going to let a little thing like sleep get in your way of social interaction! NO! I mean... if you want to... *fluttershy! This is MY profile! You use your own!*

                  Sunday, 27-May-12 06:01:19 UTC from web
                  1. @kingarthur5 hey don't yell at fluttershy, but i see what your saying lol

                    Sunday, 27-May-12 06:06:07 UTC from web