

  1. "Jabhat al-Nusra جبهة النصرة لأهل الشام‎ focuses on internal operations within #, while Khorasan (battle-hardened al Qaeda fighters) plans for external operations"

    Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 05:39:42 UTC from
    1. al-NUsra focUses internal operations within Syria while Khorasan battle-hardened al Qaeda fighters plans for # for the # as a pair of sets of sUcker marks A N D the other hand the descriptive power of # A N D censUre (btw: it's been 38 years A N D 2 loUsy days since singer Xiao HUang-Chi was born )

      Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 05:42:16 UTC from
    2. "The sudden flurry of revelations about the '# Group' in the past 2 weeks smacks of strategic leaks and political spin. ... leaks seem to have been designed to bolster the case for strikes against the Nusra Front, after a public debate that had, until then, focused only on the Islamic State." (from: What Is the 'Khorasan Group' and why Is the U.S. bombing it in Syria?) via @vegos cc @question

      Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 12:18:53 UTC from
      1. sudden loss (btw: it's been 1 year or 151 sad days since 'the owner of CyberBunker, Sven Olaf Kamphuis, was arrested in Spain for his part in the attack on Spamhaus' )

        Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 12:20:24 UTC from