

  1. "satirical play 'The Dragon', which was seen as # in the political climate of post-war Russia. The play tells the story of the knight Lancelot, who sets out to slay the dragon. However, in his quest, he stumbles on a community governed by a # hierarchy using the dragon to cover their own use of #" cc @question

    Sunday, 05-Oct-14 02:56:00 UTC from
    1. play in same day in his mind AND the other hand a subchange of Hebrew sentences interesting on grounds of culture meets with his hands AND - that was their duty of obeying the dying request of lawyers (btw: it's been 1 year AND 39 disappointing days since the RSS reader feedbin MIT licensed ) | I think I'll buy this track: 那英 - 白天不懂夜的黑 - # HK Live Concert

      Sunday, 05-Oct-14 02:56:56 UTC from