

  1. What do you think of "Noam #'s # of America’s role in the world has increased his isolation - and his audience", "Chomsky's thinking has grown simplistic and rigid: that he is stuck in the past, believing that, because America’s intervention in Vietnam was futile and immoral" ? (from: The Devil's Accountant, 2003)

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 09:22:01 UTC from
    1. @what do yoU thinkaboUt the strong generative capacity theory Are yoU saying, that the # approach of his # trying to make me believe, that I'm glad things are signs (btw: it's been 1 year A N D 39 Unforgettable days since Canadian company BlackBerry annoUnced they will fire 4500 of its workers so, that only 7k workers stay)

      Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 09:23:11 UTC from