

  1. read this comment before saying murdock about rioters

    Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:37:35 UTC from web
    1. @rarity TL; DR

      Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:38:23 UTC from web
      1. @jamster either educate yourself or stay silent about the topic

        Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:39:18 UTC from web
        1. @rarity Okay, sorry.

          Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:39:49 UTC from web
    2. @rarity I wasn't attacking either party. It's a dumb situation that's not handled well by either side.

      Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:39:33 UTC from web
      1. @soren bout you need to understand it instead of just blanket condemning it

        Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:40:03 UTC from web
        1. @rarity I'm not going to get into any kind of conversation about it. I have opinions but I will stop expressing them here. I am educated on it but I am not willing to discus it on this site. There's no reason to.

          Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:42:02 UTC from web
          1. @soren fair enough

            Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:42:16 UTC from web
          2. @soren *holy grapes- discuss. I suck. I don't want to discus this site either, that'd hurt the server.

            Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:42:28 UTC from web
    3. @rarity This is true. The police probably know this and set up provocations to set off such anger. This gives them an excuse to crack down on a movement and help the media discredit it. People should be asking themselves why the black community finds itself in such a blind alley. Such a thing, of course, requires objectively looking at the facts instead of whining about "reverse racism" and such.

      Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:43:48 UTC from web
      1. @m14brony reverse racism doesn't even exist, it's called racism no matter who is hating who

        Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:45:05 UTC from web
        1. @rarity True. However, people who believe in things like "reverse racism" never let the facts get in the way.

          Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 21:49:58 UTC from web