

  1. I had a dream where Obama "hired" me to rig a stolen car (at gunpoint) so he could use it to cheat on his wife without anyone noticing.

    Friday, 05-Dec-14 20:40:19 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos while you get Obama I get Ed Milliband

      Friday, 05-Dec-14 22:02:50 UTC from web
      1. @vcgriffin Whos that

        Friday, 05-Dec-14 23:39:57 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos I have tried to find a video that shows our glorious leaders strengths, but he's a big doofus

          Saturday, 06-Dec-14 14:55:03 UTC from web
          1. @vcgriffin So he's a British politician? Keep in mind though that Obama is literally nothing to me. Just a foreign dude that I know quite a bit about due to internet jokes.

            Saturday, 06-Dec-14 15:08:09 UTC from web