

  1. "So I built a data set of 10 million usernames and # that I am releasing to the public domain." "But recent events have made me question the prudence of releasing this information, even for research purposes."

    Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 17:52:55 UTC from
    1. I suggested Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Rebels take custody of plane crash in Wisconsin | my twin brothers just whipped the body to this song: 梅艷芳 - 似是故人來 - 電影《雙鐲》主題曲

      Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 17:55:27 UTC from
    2. "As a final note, be aware that if your password is !not on this list that means nothing. This is a # sampling of thousands of dumps consisting of upwards to a # passwords." cc @question

      Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 17:57:53 UTC from
      1. ready in next 37h (already 7 participants for this seminar): Leak # (Directorate of Intelligence of Cuba) # (section: HAZMAT and Nuclear)

        Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 18:01:14 UTC from