

  1. well you guys are chatty as per usual :1

    Monday, 02-Mar-15 22:48:54 UTC from web
    1. @rednorth I'm weebing. Also, hello.

      Monday, 02-Mar-15 22:53:22 UTC from web
    2. @rednorth conversation is a problem as it is a constant challenge to be interesting

      Monday, 02-Mar-15 22:55:23 UTC from web
      1. @vcgriffin It's hard for me to be immediately accessible or generally interesting to most folks so I don't really try much anymore. I just sit around and wait for a conversation that's relevant to my interests.

        Monday, 02-Mar-15 22:56:58 UTC from web
        1. @clayinthecarpet most talk is about making idle chatter about the things around you, the tv, salt pots etc. there are very few things I can be animated about. Less things that would interest another person or let them see how dumb I am

          Monday, 02-Mar-15 22:59:52 UTC from web
          1. @vcgriffin I get animated about a lot of things, but nobody in this chat is really interested in any of it so I'm just sitting here being a weeaboo again.

            Monday, 02-Mar-15 23:05:24 UTC from web
        2. @clayinthecarpet sounds about right

          Monday, 02-Mar-15 23:00:30 UTC from web
        3. @clayinthecarpet i got side tracked with skype after i posted that tbh

          Monday, 02-Mar-15 23:00:48 UTC from web
          1. @rednorth No big deal.

            Monday, 02-Mar-15 23:05:34 UTC from web