

  1. So I made my brother watch MLP, and he loves it (he's already at episode 12 or something) pic related

    Sunday, 29-May-11 00:12:53 UTC from web
    1. @keeponrocking Yeeeeeeeeeees~~

      Sunday, 29-May-11 00:14:20 UTC from web
      1. @zarkanorf @abigpony It went kind of like this: "what the hell is that?" refering to my desktop background. that's rainbow dash. "why is he blue?" so I explained that I was watching MLP and that he should seriously try it. his response to the series: first 10 minutes "this is going to be so lame!" halfway through the pilot "hmmm, I'll admit this ain't half bad." and 2 hours later on skype "ohmygod, best show ever!"

        Sunday, 29-May-11 00:19:56 UTC from web
        1. @keeponrocking lol i love it.

          Sunday, 29-May-11 00:20:53 UTC from web
        2. @keeponrocking *brohoof* Congrats on a successful conversion

          Sunday, 29-May-11 00:21:09 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @zarkanorf @abigpony It's because people automatically assume things, I mean if I told you a year ago you'd be watching My Little Pony, what would your reaction be? @colfax First my brother, next.. THE WORLD!

            Sunday, 29-May-11 00:26:53 UTC from web
            1. @keeponrocking "Just how f[WHOOPS]ng bored and how much money will I be paid to watch something like MY F[WHOOPS]NG PONY!?" would probably be my reaction.

              Sunday, 29-May-11 00:28:08 UTC from web
        3. @keeponrocking And that, my friends, is the generic "How I converted someone" story. Seriously, though, that's awesome that he's a brony now!

          Sunday, 29-May-11 00:21:52 UTC from web

      Sunday, 29-May-11 00:16:03 UTC from web