

  1. Let's see how many million hours it takes the new server to unarchive all of RDN's avatars, backgrounds and user uploaded images. It took 8 straight hours to get them in there.

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:15:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark at what rate?

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:17:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @renovatedkitchen I ended up nicing the crap out of it because it was killing everything including SSH.

        Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:18:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark wow. Musta been fun. What's the size of all of RDN's entire database?

          Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:20:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @ceruleanspark user uploaded images? You maen the ones that get deleted after, like, a week.

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:17:17 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony The server keeps them. The directory is like 30gb.

        Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:17:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Why can we never seen them after a while?

          Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:18:04 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony Statusnet does...something that I've never really been able to figure out to content that passes a certain age.

            Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:18:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark Delete all database traces of the file except for the id and keep the actual file? #

              Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:19:13 UTC from web
            2. @ceruleanspark turns it into modern art? :P

              Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:19:43 UTC from web
            3. @ceruleanspark But it didn't do that until around the end of Tinker's rule.

              Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:20:57 UTC from web
              1. @abigpony I can only really vouch for what I've seen it do whilst I've been administering it. One of the things I do have on my "to fix" list is remapping all the broken attachments.

                Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:22:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ceruleanspark I'm just curious as to what makes them do so. It's all good I guess, though.

                  Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:23:32 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark *tries to access site* *doesn't connect* Aww it was worth a shot. I have to stop breaking things.

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:18:23 UTC from web
      1. @minti I don't think I've even enabled the vhost it's sitting under yet.

        Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:19:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark I accessed a http server a few days ago on it. It was the good ol default "Congradulations you have Apache on CentOS successfully!" page. xD

          Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:20:33 UTC from web
          1. @minti Well, I pointed at it to check I had all of statusnet, memcached, APC et al's prerequisites installed and configured.

            Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 08:37:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop