

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @comradeconventrix what Kawasaki?

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:48:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @comradeconventrix not too bad! You dont like it? Why not go for a busa if you like bikes rather than a...firebird?

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:51:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @comradeconventrix ah. I know what you mean. Why not get a turbo 4cyl? They're great on gas, very fast, and less capitalist.

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:55:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @comradeconventrix isn't it a pain to drive in the rain? I was just doing to recommend a DSM, as they are insanely

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:57:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @comradeconventrix cheap

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:58:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @comradeconventrix that they do. Post it on autotrader, Craigslist and kijiji? How is insurance on your bike?

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:17:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    7. @comradeconventrix ah. Lucky! Is there a big difference between insurance for that ninja and insurance for a busa?

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:22:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    8. @comradeconventrix no worries. I've always just wondered what the cost is on insurance on one of those. Obviously there are a lot of factors that come into play though.

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:29:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    9. @comradeconventrix not too much. Depressed. It rained heavily. Birthday on the 8th.

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:38:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    10. @comradeconventrix how about you?

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:38:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    11. @comradeconventrix things stressful there right now then? Howd you break your finger? You okay? # #

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 02:06:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @renovatedkitchen Hello!!!! get on skype!!!

        Thursday, 07-Jun-12 02:08:04 UTC from web
        1. @shred316 I will in a bit. I will probably just listen though.

          Thursday, 07-Jun-12 02:10:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @renovatedkitchen Ok.

            Thursday, 07-Jun-12 02:11:44 UTC from web
          2. @renovatedkitchen You still there?

            Thursday, 07-Jun-12 02:20:43 UTC from web
            1. @shred316 still here. Depressed and have a headache though.

              Thursday, 07-Jun-12 03:01:31 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              1. @renovatedkitchen Oh, why are you depressed?

                Thursday, 07-Jun-12 03:01:50 UTC from web
                1. @shred316 not sure. Just stuff. I'll come around eventually.

                  Thursday, 07-Jun-12 04:04:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              2. @renovatedkitchen I have just the thing to help...

                Thursday, 07-Jun-12 03:05:12 UTC from web
                1. @nlghtmaremoon I'll be okay. I like to be by myself more when I'm depressed. Also, I got Colgate already.

                  Thursday, 07-Jun-12 04:04:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone