

  1. Trying out a very interesting editor (intended for web development): Brackets is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and out of the box supports those three languages as well. Open source. Then there is a host of contributed plugins, some of which add support for other languages, like code hints for PHP. And an extension that integrates Git support. Worth playing with, just for the concept.

    Tuesday, 09-Jun-15 16:47:22 UTC from
    1. @mk wow. Brackets editor [1] plus 'Response for Brackets' plugin [2] makes an impressive Responsive Design tool [3]. -- [1] [2] [3] # # #

      Tuesday, 09-Jun-15 18:07:46 UTC from
    2. I've looked at a lot, but I've now ended up with three new editors/IDEs installed: 1) KDevelop (pretty powerful but also feels complicated), 2) Brackets (in principle for only HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but plugins add a lot of support for PHP), 3) Aptana Studio (based on Eclipse, so not a lightweight, but it has excellent support for PHP, but apparently much less for CSS and JavaScript). I expect I'll mostly use the last two, in combination - both have Git support (Brackets through a plugin). # # # # #

      Wednesday, 10-Jun-15 10:17:15 UTC from