Holy moly my computer remembered my account *SHIFTS INTO LURK*
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:19:08 UTC from web-
@noirbatch oooh
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:20:29 UTC from web-
@mushi OOOOOH Indeed I am a bad lurker, how are you Mushi?
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:21:08 UTC from web-
@noirbatch i'm fine, i'm playing splatoon :3, and you?
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:22:17 UTC from web-
@mushi I am wonderful really, just drawing a bit maybe that's what it is called. Or playing Battlefield 4 with my friend.... Like am I doing both?
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:23:36 UTC from web-
@noirbatch drawing sounds funnier
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:24:36 UTC from web-
@mushi Well, my buddy and I play battlefield like total idiots, but yea drawing it is. I was supposed to fly, but flying with my drawing tablet proved difficult.
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:26:38 UTC from web
@noirbatch Greetings. I showed up after a protracted period of inactivity last year.
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:24:59 UTC from web-
@m14brony Herro friend, how have you been
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:26:50 UTC from web-
@noirbatch My new job as an HVAC service technician is proving interesting. I am brushing up on what I learned at school, in addition to learning some new things.
Thursday, 06-Aug-15 01:30:39 UTC from web