

  1. only usernames are stored in twister's blockchain:!topic/twister-users/cLbO1qHvUBA

    Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:04:30 UTC from
    1. @erkanyilmaz so to view a complete conversation you have to retrieve all the bits from all the users? Every time? What happens whenusers have turned off their instance - would you get any message? how is teh supposedly hierarchical view handled some with nodes offline?

      Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:21:28 UTC from
      1. Msgs from 1 node are propagated to other nodes, so it doesn't matter if the original sender goes offline

        Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:27:27 UTC from
        1. @erkanyilmaz so there is more than just the (potentially enormous) blockchain; so from one node propagated to - how many? wich nodes?

          Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:38:05 UTC from
          1. yes, there's more than the "blockchain", there are 3 layers, see "How does it work?" from the !twister FAQ (1). See also "Does it scale?" there. (1)

            Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:46:46 UTC from
            1. @erkanyilmaz reading through that... btw that very same FAQ does state that there _could_ be ads (and calling te mechanism "democratic" is overstating it when someone with money to burn can effectively "buy" the resources to send ads (or spam))

              Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:57:01 UTC from
              1. See (1) + replies. Interestingly, I don't see them, only when I go to the tab where they are. I think it has to do if someone starts the client new or so, perhaps? cc @lnxw48 (1)

                Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:09:13 UTC from
              2. ... and, someone with money can spam all of us here in a much faster time (than e.g. on twister). ads/spam are not a problem on twister. feel free to ask @lnxw48 (1) @lohang @vegos - (1)

                Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:19:32 UTC from
                1. @erkanyilmaz spam was not a problem in the early days of laconica/identica either - it's only when a potential audience of a critical size exists that it becomes interesting enough to spend the resources to spam. And since Twister even makes ads _possible_ surely that *will* happen. And of course individuals can just join in with spam messages. It's like with viruses: once the potential audience is large enough it WILL start.

                  Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:26:30 UTC from
        2. @erkanyilmaz and how does the requesting node know which other node to ask for a missing bit?

          Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:39:08 UTC from
        3. @mk ... and it's better than in sn/gs: only the sn/gs instances who follow the sender get the messages. Also: on sn/gs you can not retrieve the past msgs of the sender (e.g. friendica can do that)

          Thursday, 13-Aug-15 15:36:43 UTC from
          1. @erkanyilmaz "only the sn/gs instances who follow the sender get the messages" - how is that "better"? bhetter for whom or what?

            Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:18:24 UTC from
            1. That's not better, I am stating a problem in sn/gs. because when people want to participate in an ongoing thread (and that thread is not completely existing on their instance, but they saw parts of it here and there) they complain

              Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:22:48 UTC from
              1. With !twister you can access all past messages (e.g. !friendica does it also better than sn/gs: when you sub to a person it gets all past messages to your server)

                Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:24:29 UTC from
          2. @erkanyilmaz "on sn/gs you can not retrieve the past msgs of the sender" aren't you just describing one long-living bug? I've seen no such limitation in the API

            Thursday, 13-Aug-15 16:20:51 UTC from